Thursday, March 31, 2011

scratch in the naïve mode #2

Japan has lost control of the nuclear reactors in Fukushima. Radio-activity has infected soil and waters in a wide radius. The government is unable to resolve the situation. The reactors will be shut down, but the damage is already done. In Libya, Gaddafi is in war with his people and NATO (under the UN banner) who spotted an opportunity for intervention and did not let it pass. Of course when the time comes the international (western) community will ask for a favour that will 'repay' the favour they are doing them now. I imagine Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron in a semi-dark room explaining to the Libyan representatives how this will work. Their words are similar to those uttered by Marlon Brando in the Godfather. Assad in Syria, does not seem willing to democratise his state, although there are already 60 dead people demanding it. And in Europe, the governments of the Eurozone have conferred in order to come up with solutions to the current crisis that sweeps the countries of the European periphery - the weakest links in the European chain. All they could come up with was a more advanced version of the dictatorship of the capital. The dictatorship of the bankers. The world is slowly becoming uninhabitable. And make no mistake, if the earth decides to get rid of our useless presence, she can do it in a split second. Whatever the advocates of social darwinism tell you, we are not the strongest species, and the fact that we have taken over the planet is simply wishful thinking, an illusion.

'There is history only as long as people REVOLT, RESIST, ACT' (P. Bourdieu)

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